Technologies for minds that are perfectly unique.

a young girl with glasses, sparkle overlay

Built by leaders in education & technology.

a phone surrounded by purple flowers

For those who read the world differently.

a woman in green reading on her tablet

We empower those with learning differences.

A rainbow light coming in through the trees

Our Focus Areas

Communication and connection with one’s community and the world are largely based on the ability to see, read, and comprehend. Visual perceptual differences affect millions, leading to isolation, poor health, and higher drop-out and prison rates. Our research and product development efforts focus on three areas:

teal "Aa" icon


The CogniLens app is our first product to address the needs of learners with visual perceptual differences.

  • Text Transformations

  • Real Time Processing

  • More Effective Readability

Red pair of glasses icon


Exploring low vision improvements in visual and spatial fields provide assistance.

  • Low Vision Improvements (zoom, image clarity, image to text)  

  • Navigation for the Blind and/or Dyslexic

  • Computer Vision and Machine Learning

Yellow Brain Icon


Implementing various techniques to improve comprehension.

  • Hi-Lo Reading, Language Translations

  • Automated Text Abstraction/Simplification

CogniLens app logo

The CogniLens iOS app transforms text from files, books, notes, and even scanned images to meet unique visual needs. With 15+ adjustable text settings, it enhances reading and supports learning without hassle. Perfect for iPhone and iPad, it’s a versatile tool for education and daily life.

A 7-DAY FREE TRIAL is included in the app.

a mockup of an ipad and iphone with custom/altered text on the screen. from cognilens app
This is some text inside of a div block.
image of a woman - cognition labs founder Pat Henry

Team of Innovators

Cognition Labs brings together educational specialists, product designers, and technology leaders. Our partners and advisors include educators, content specialists, researchers, strategists, and engineers.

Read a welcome message from our founder, Patricia Henery.

Dyslexia is a superpower!

We can work together to change the possibilities for those who struggle with reading. Join us in this opportunity.